Season Casting

What Is Season Casting?

“Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” – Amos 3:7

We understand that the times we are in are divine. There is nothing that is happening by chance or just “because.” To everything, there is a season, and as the Church, we have been given the governmental authority through Jesus Christ to discern these seasons.

Our Annual Season Casting is a dynamic event full of prophetic insight and vision into the understanding seasonally what God is releasing upon the earth. Every year, we set aside time in the first week of each prophetic season to assemble together as a whole body and prophetically speak into our church what God is revealing and releasing.

Season Casting is packed full of spirit breathed and inspired revelations that will shift your atmosphere and cause you to stand and fight. Don’t be the tail but be the head in the season coming so that He can unleash His kingdom through you, in you, and for you. 

What is released in this event provides positioning and clarity so that we know how to pray, praise, worship, war, fight, intercede, discern, proclaim, and align ourselves with the Kingdom of Heaven and God’s perfect plan for the coming year.


Check out the previous prophetic blueprints from all our Season Castings.