Word of the Lord through Dr. Robyn Kassas with contributions from Pastor Nathan Kassas

Dr. Robyn Kassas:

There is a real work of the Lord coming [to Queens] and it’s a season of restoring families. It is a season for families in the Queens borough district. 

Pastor Nathan Kassas:

As I was waiting on the Lord He said restoring families. And I said to the Lord how are you going to restore families? And He showed me He is going to snatch people out of the hands of religion in Queens. Generational religion is coming down in Queens. People are just going to get snatched when the devil least expects it. Someone’s just going to wake up, their eyes are going to be opened, and they are just going to say there has got to be more: there has got to be more to Jesus; there has to be more to life; there has to be more to living; there has to be more to this Christian thing. I am not just satisfied with going on the treadmill every Sunday doing the same thing. And that is going to bring family restoration because those who have been fighting for the snatch to take place will be restored with those that have been under the guise of religion.

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