“This is a year of total agreement in every part of your life. For too long now, My Church has allowed its hyper-emotion to rob Me of the opportunity to express My full nature through heightened kingdom emotion, and this has led to pockets of freedom, but not full freedom. For you to be free in deeds, you must be ready to divorce your life from learning after-the-fact, and allow My spirit to be your guiding voice, and your ‘true north.’ Burn your excuses in the flame of My cleansing fire and allow true repentance to usher in the state of Heaven rather than the goal of the heavenly.
“My children, this can only be accomplished by letting My Holy Spirit, God the Spirit, flow into and out of every part of your life. This power, My energeo, will draw you to true healing and wholeness, which is more than wellness. This healing is fueled by waves of compassion. Compassion for others, yes, but compassion for yourself. Ride the wave all the way in, My children, and don’t jump off the board until you reach the shore where Heaven and Earth collide. In doing so, you will bring Heaven to Earth and collapse My glory into your atmosphere.
“The Foundation of this movement needs to be built on your own revelation of My love for you. Superimposed revelations only lead to self-works and the birthing of illegitimate promises. This year, I am moving deeper than the level of symptomatic communication and a ‘need a savior’ level type of relationship. If you cry out for it, I will invade your life with My Lordship and take up the invitation to move you beyond remaining just a follower but becoming a true disciple…one who ‘abides in Me and I in him.’
“The disciple is ready to learn and ready to listen. He or she looks for opportunities for My character to be revealed in every season and every thing. My goodness is tangible, and is a reality. This reality can only be accessed when you give up looking for the ‘silver lining.’ There is no ‘silver lining,’ there is only My perfect will and way.
“If you will seek Me and lift your eyes, I will open your eyes to see what is in the book for your life. I will reveal within the pages, stanzas, and phrases that have been kept for such a time as this. Gems and secrets that have been locked up are waiting for you to access them. For it is My glory to conceal these things in your life, but it is the glory of kings to search out and open the seals. Once again, I admonish you to abide in Me. Abiding is the only way to release total congruence in your life. If your heart, mind, and mouth are not in agreement, the seals cannot be broken. There must be total alignment with confession, imagination, and belief.
“This will reveal the true value of My Person to your heart this year. As you begin to become single-minded and unwavering, as a house divided against itself will not stand, you will transition from looking to the cross — a place of appreciation only, to looking through and from the cross backward — a lifestyle of love and value.
“The next chapter is here, but this is not the final chapter! I am maturing you and readying you for My return, and in this year, thankfulness must be the frequency that you tune to. Your thankfulness will determine your receivership from Me. Pages of your book will be sealed with a covering of praise, so praise Me, Church. Praise Me in the valley, and on the mountaintop. Praise Me in the depths of Sheol and on the peaks of Zion. Let the praise and gratitude for where I have brought you from be the script that you read for your life in this season.
“I am against revival without reformation. I am not reviving and healing you to not reform your thinking. You cannot be alive to Me and alive to your opinions,” says the Lord. “This is not a mountain that you are to cast down, this is not a giant you are to slay. Your opinions are to be laid down willingly on the altar. For I will not compete with your perceptions and opinions. My way is perfect, and as you decide to do My will no matter what, then and only then will I reveal the creative solution called the way.
“There can be no more spiritual voyeurism. Reading My word and not applying it personally will only repeat the cycles of the past and rehearse curses. This is not the congruence of My Spirit, and doing this will always put you into ‘rescue mode.’ I am looking for a bride that does not need to be rescued continually from missing the mark and falling into enemy territory. Experiencing Me as Lord will show Me as truly your God in your life, and My power and grace will be manifest in you. I will anoint your words so that you speak as someone who has experienced my Lordship, and has not just preached about it.
“I am bringing My people to their original standing before My Father, before the fall. For the value of your worth was so great that I sent My Son to redeem your original value. Before the foundations of the Earth, I loved you and set you apart. I formed you as perfect, and this perfection is what I am returning you to this year. Learn to walk in this reality. Cast down the lie that you’re incomplete. This is a state that My people need to be in at all times. It is who you are, not just who you’re becoming. You’ve reached that goal before Me already, so stop striving. By walking in this state,” says the Lord, “you will never engage in hindsight, but only foresight as our communion becomes more glorified. This will also result in you doing the works of My Father. You will do the deeds that accompany a free man. Your emotions will reach heightened levels without losing your focus on love and truth. Your state and standing before My Father will bring the reality that your words and your decisions are law in the heavens. Watch what you say, for angels are obeying you. The alignment of Heaven and Earth is dependent upon how your mouth agrees with truth and not perception. What you form with your imagination will be the world that you live in. Therefore your creative power to imagine must be confined within the parameters of My spirit and truth. True imagination is only seeing and picturing what I say as true. As you allow each part to align, I will build your house and adorn it with My glory. I will open your mouth to speak, utter, and decree. Your words will unlock portals of blessing and align Heaven and Earth. Your alliance cannot be in silence, as when I fill your mouth, you must speak. Intimacy must lead to legislation, and legislation to activation. Truly, when this takes place, Heaven, Earth, mouth, mind, and heart will all be in alignment with My covenant from the start. Then you will speak, and it shall be done!”
Thus saith the Lord.
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