The true intimacy will come with true vulnerability. I know the things that you are hiding. Don’t think I don’t know. It doesn’t concern me that you’re hiding them. What concerns me is that you think I don’t see them. True vulnerability is remembering I see everything and acknowledging that. When you acknowledge that, you will truly be vulnerable.True vulnerability will lead to true intimacy. My children, stop thinking I don’t see it. Even though I see it, I’m not dismayed by it. I pursue in spite of it. Receive that says the Lord.
You always ascribe blame and accusation to the person that is attached to emotion that presents itself the moment because emotional blame only looks at what is in front of your face. You have never actually hold or held the person who is at the root accountable. You have to search within yourself to find what part of you has been wounded you have liked seeing yourselves as wounded when it comes to others and what they have done to you. But you don’t like seeing yourself As wounded when you have to look at how you play your part Division of a breaker and alone says when you go to a breakup you blame the person he did this to me she did this to me is all their fault. But you don’t go to the root which is your father your mother those that you think had nothing to do with it goes the Lord says it’s not that person it will be the next person and it will be the next person so the Lord is asking his church in 2021 when will you go to the root. If you want to be healed put the blame On the root because the root is the cause for your problem.”
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