Scripture Base:

Psalm 2:8 (NKJV) Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your possession.

Word of the Lord through Dr. Robyn Kassas read by Pastor Nathan Kassas:

My people, I am the One Who brings into the present time, things that the Father has planned from eternity past, things which will be released on the earth that have been destined to align My Church with My Redemptive purposes and the end of days. I have been given the things that the Father has hidden until now and is revealing to His people the plan for the next season. A time of divine recovery is destined for My people, says the Lord. A season whereby all that has been stolen, withheld or dormant will surely be released to the saints. I will that My people be the Head and not the Tail, above and not beneath in every circumstance and in every situation. It is a season that you will not fall into automatically, it must be entered through the pulling down of strongholds of mind and spirit. The battle will be difficult but the victories complete. The princes over the nations will lose their place in heaven as My Church beheads the giants. My people, take what is rightfully yours, become the Head by cutting off the head of every situation. What I have obtained by My obedience to the Father, the promised inheritance reserved for the saints. This is the Lord Jesus Christ speaking.

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