with contributions from Pastor Nathan Kassas and Dr. Robyn Kassas
Pastor Tony Kassas:
I will unite My people under one banner and one cause: the cause of My Kingdom. Through your submission to My Spirit and to one another I will cleanse the land of all defilement and I will raise shepherds–true shepherds–for my flock. They will lead by example going ahead of my people into higher levels of trust and faith. 2022 is the year of preparing the next movements of My Spirit. It is the year of the supernatural aspects of My Kingdom. My power is being released in the Church and it will be available to all who believe. The next five years are crucial for My Church in America.
Pastor Nathan Kassas:
(A word from a major prophet, Bill Hamon) – In 2022, The Lord will set in place the next five to seven years of your life. So things are going to happen in 2022 to set you up for the next five to seven years. So that’s why God is taking His time in 2021 finishing the process; finishing the work.
[Prophetic Word Exposition Pastor Nathan Kassas and Dr. Robyn Kassas]
Dr. Robyn Kassas:
The Lord says the next 5 to 7 seven years (the plans they have for 2030) can turn that all around.
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