Word of the Lord through Dr. Robyn Kassas read by Pastor Nathan Kassas:
When my apostle Thomas brought My love and forgiveness to India, he also brought My plan of redemption for the nation. Therefore I am determined to bring this nation back on its course of redemption and restitution. Religious Christianity came with the European influence, but My pure religion, the “Gimmel” if you will, of My stooping down to the poor and the needy, and raising them up and giving them a place and a voice, this will revolutionize traditional india. The states of India that allow My Church freedom will prosper. I am the Lord, and I show the resistors that I am blessing these states. Your head sits on the fence and waits. He wants the best of both the elites and the middle class. An incident with America will change his heart and he will choose for the people. He will serve his people.
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