To the black community: No more handouts. I don’t want to give you handouts anymore. I want to give you everything that I have provided for you. But man would cause you to take handouts because then a form of slavery comes back on you again. My children, I am setting you free. You are no different. I want to bless you. You are my children. I will raise businesses up through you. I will give you every opportunity to own your own. So do not be a slave to man anymore.

Finances are coming your way and it will not be for handouts anymore. It will be for growing. Growing your business, owning your house and getting out of that mentality that you have to take what’s left over. My children, that mentality is broken. Chains are being broken over you. No more curse of that [slave] mentality [will be] on you for I break that. I break those chains of slavery and obligation. You will be a blessing because you are My children.

The Lord said to me,”Robyn, why are certain areas being concentrated on? [Burned] down? Why?”

I said “God, I have been asking this for weeks now. Why would somebody who believes something – a cause – why are they being attacked? The black community is having buildings burned down and the very thing that they’ve been saving up and putting together for grandchildren and other generations. They have shops being burned down before them.”

 The Lord said, “Because the enemy wants to make slavery again: where man will never come out of that place [of slavery]. He will believe that all he can do is just accept what is given to him. Man is not to ever have that place in any [other] man’s heart ever again–whether he’s black or white. These chains have to be broken and you have to break them. You have to break them, children. You have to break them because I will show you that they [the chains] will never be joined together. But you must take your authority–that delegated authority–that I have given you. You must break these chains of bondage. Arise my children and break these chains of bondage over you. It is not determined by color. It’s not! It’s determined by you being My children. Break it off yourself. Never think this way again. Never have this slave mentality ever again. I will never allow another plantation on this Earth.” 

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